Medical Cannabis Benefits: Backed By Studies And Research

3 min read

Several studies and research have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of medical cannabis in the relief of signs and symptoms or treatment of certain disorders. Below is a summary of the results :

There is affirmed verification of the medical benefits of medical cannabis for the alleviation of chronic, neuropathic pain, muscular spasticity in multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury. Likewise, a marked decrease in nausea and vomiting resulting from cancer chemotherapy, improvement of appetite and weight gain in patients suffering from anorexia and cachexia (muscle wasting syndrome) in HIV/AID have shown positive outcomes.

The neuroplastic and muscle relaxing properties of cannabis have proven to be valuable in the treatment of symptoms in Tourette’s syndrome (a disorder of the nervous system that cause the afflicted to make involuntary sounds and movements, called tics).

The neuroplastic and muscle relaxing properties of cannabis

The discovery of the beneficial effects of cannabis in neurodegenerative disorders took place during a study of its appetite-stimulating effects on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Aside from the increase in appetite and body weight, disturbed behavior among the patients was also noted to have decreased.

Treatment of side effects associated with anti-cancer chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting is the cannabis indication that has been most documented.

The appetite enhancing effect with the consequent weight gain and muscle build-up of cannabis was also noted.

Numerous clinical studies confirmed that medical cannabis provided beneficial effects on spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury. Concomitant symptoms such as paraesthesia (numbness), tremor (involuntary small movements ), ataxia  (a neurological disorder which causes difficulty in fine motor movements), pain and bladder control were also found to be positively affected.

There has been promising documentation regarding therapeutic outcomes in Tourette’s syndrome, dystonia (an uncontrollable contraction of muscles) and tardive dyskinesia (involuntary muscle movement mostly in the face and jaws). A lot of patients showed a moderate improvement, while a few showed significant improvement or total loss of symptoms.

One of the most known and studied benefits of cannabis is its ability to alleviate pain, especially the chronic and neuropathic type.

The use in epilepsy is among the widely practiced indications of cannabis. The very rare and unmanageable seizure episodes of both Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome are confirmed to be controlled by medical cannabis.

Several case reports stipulate that cannabis is a good cure to control the physical and stress-related withdrawal symptoms in drug and alcohol addiction.

Marked progress in mood disturbances in reactive depression and anxiety has been documented in various clinical research with cannabis. There have also been case reports stating the merits of cannabis in other mental health symptoms and disorders, which include anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, bipolar disorders, and dysthymia (chronic clinical depression).

Medical cannabis frequently demonstrates extremely beneficial effects in disorders with multiple symptoms and especially those that are not amenable to conventional treatment. Look into what it can do for you and what your choices are at a kushstation dispensary and experience how it is to be symptom-free.

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